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About Us

Who We Are

Foundation Church can be best described as evangelical, Baptist, and Reformed. We align our beliefs with historic Christian orthodoxy as expressed in the Apostle’s and Nicene creeds, and also to a great extent with the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. During our worship services on Sunday mornings, we pray, give, and recite the Apostle's Creed together before devoting ourselves to the preached Word of God. We also strive to engage our community with the love and truth of Jesus Christ through discipleship and service in the power of the Holy Spirit.


Expository Preaching


Our primary goal in the proclamation of the Scriptures is that God would use his Word as the means to bring us nearer to him and conform us into his image. We believe the most blessed and God-honoring means of this proclamation is through expository preaching. Expository preaching is simply letting God's Word speak for itself. We normally preach through books of the Bible, verse by verse, from beginning to end with occasional breaks from time to time. We believe God blesses this dedication to his Word because it allows him to address issues in his timing rather than man's. Time and time again we have seen the benefits of expository preaching as God's providence and grace are put on display through his Word and in the lives of his people. Click here for a link to our sermon archive.




We also believe every Christian is called to support and engage in the local and global outreach of the Gospel to all peoples and nations. We take part in global missions by supporting missionaries in various capacities. We believe that, though one church may be small in comparison to the whole, God is dedicated to producing fruit in his people both locally and globally through the local church. 

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